Robert Schöffmann


Friesach Station
Station Director

BB   D I O N     AG 4

V i l l a c h

Re: Return of The desk pads with nude drawings - New Rail 93

Please find enclosed the two desk pads with obsence representations as provided by BB Dion AG 4 which were to be given to railway customers. We are returning them to you for the following reasons:
The desk pads were shown to several people, all of them registered embarrassment on viewing them.
The Head of Distribution of the ..... Company described them as tasteless and asked if Austrian Railways were unable to think of anything better. The man was scandalized and rejected the goods, with thanks.
Railway employees find the advertisement methods of New Rail shocking. Any person with even a modicum of demure sensitivity would find a pad with indecent representations - nude drawings are no exception - repulsive. As a servant of the railways, I refuse to allow the entire profession to be dragged down into the iniquitos squalor of depravity and immorality just because godless people wish to force the carvings of their impure hearts on others.
In the hope that this ruinous Zeitgeist will not given free rein,
I wish You a blessed New Year.

Friesach Station

This letter was written by the Director of Friesach Station upon publication of the Austrian Railways' Calendar for 1993 which featured nudes by R. Schöffmann.
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